3.10.3 - Release Notes#

Squirro 3.10.3 was released June 06, 2024.

Learn more about the Squirro Release Process.

What’s New#

  • SquirroGPT: If SquirroGPT fails to generate a suitable answer, it will explicitly suggest relevant documents, if available.

  • Widgets: Added option to Communities List widget to hide communities without matching items.

  • Tracing and Instrumentation: Replaced Jaegar tooling with OpenTelemetry.

  • Query processing: The possibility to inject extra information during query processing was added, which allows implementing custom query processing steps that add data to the query context to then be consumed by studio plugins.


  • Items widget: Improved the spacing in the masonry grid of the Items Widget for a more balanced and visually pleasing layout.

  • Docker image improvements: NLTK stopwords and punkt packages are now baked into the GenAI and Plumber Docker images to accommodate on-premise deployments without internet access. GenAI service image now uses amazonlinux as a base image to harden security and minimize vulnerabilities and runs as a non-root user to reduce attack surface.

  • Search: Semantic Search can now be applied only to a subset of documents that match specific phrases, which can help with improving precision. The behavior of the favorite query chips has been improved. Communities name and pictures are now displayed in the search/global search widget when the community is selected in the My Communities widget.

  • Performance improvements” Loading of entities and PDFs has been optimized. In the item view, fields that require additional processing have to be explicitly required.

  • SquirroGPT: Squirro GPT retrieval has been improved to avoid returning irrelevant document sources for the provided prompt.

  • Studio plugins: Studio plugins now run in a separate process, to avoid blocking the Frontend service with long-running plugin tasks.

Bug Fixes#

  • NLTK lookup improvements: Fixed some instances where NLTK resources were being downloaded even if they already existed.

  • UI bug fixes: We’ve resolved an intermittent issue where the navigation bar would disappear from the dashboard. Also fixed an issue where the sources for SquirroGPT were not being displayed after refreshing the dashboard.

  • Entity processing: Fixed an issue with extracting entities with y-coordinate equal to 0.0.

  • Activity tracking: Added documentation about overwriting the redis_cache section and host option in the plumber.ini.docker file to ensure the ActivityTracking pipelet runs properly (Deploying the Plumber service in a Docker container).

  • Data sources: Improved job scheduling to respect data source scheduling options.

  • SquirroGPT: Corrected an issue where the SquirroGPT plugin was attempting to retrieve user information even without a valid session.

  • Favorite chips: Edit mode can be turned off without saving the query.

  • Caches: Fixed an issue where the entire Redis cache was being cleared when a cache without a prefix was invalidated.

  • Gunicorn: Fixed problem where using gunicorn as a web server for Squirro apps could lead to inconsistencies between the injected dependencies.

Breaking Changes#

  • Nginx: Nginx configuration for SquirroGPT Studio plugin has been moved from /etc/nginx/conf.d/frontend.conf to /etc/nginx/conf.d/studio.conf. Any other custom changes made for Studio plugins need to be applied to the studio.conf file.

  • Communities: The topic.search.communities.exclude-results-without-matched-items project configuration has been removed. Now, the widget itself can be configured to filter out communities without matched items.

Installation and Upgrade#

For new installations, find step-by-step instructions in Install and Manage Squirro with Ansible (recommended) or Installing Squirro on Linux.

To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrading Squirro.