
This section provides an overview of the administrative elements of Squirro, including operations, configuration, and troubleshooting. It’s primarily intended to support customers and partners who maintain an on-premise deployment of Squirro.

For Squirro installation and upgrade, see Installation and Upgrade.

For required downloads, see Downloads.


Squirro is designed and optimized for Linux. Installation packages are provided for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Rocky Linux distributions, supporting both cloud and on-premise deployments.

Squirro is built as a service-oriented platform. All services work as self-contained units of functionality and therefore are suited for different scenarios. Squirro can match small but also complex and large-scale requirements. All Squirro services communicate via RESTful API. The Squirro API is open and allows for 3rd party integration for all services and functionality.


All non-Squirro components are open-source components.



High Availability

Squirro Application (see Services)

  • Core Squirro Engine

  • Squirro Frontend UI

  • Squirro RESTful API



  • Squirro Documents Storage Layer

  • Search Engine



  • Squirro Configuration Metadata


Redis Cache

  • Squirro Cache for application and frontend


Squirro Python SDK

  • Python Wrapper SDK for Squirro RESTful API


Squirro Toolbox

  • Squirro File Importer

  • Squirro Bulk Importer

  • Squirro Bulk Loader

  • Squirro MySQL Connector

  • Squirro Exchange Connector

  • Squirro Known Entity Processors


Squirro YUM Repository

  • Simple Installation and Updating of Squirro components


Squirro Puppet Configuration

  • Simple and robust way of centrally configuring all Squirro-related settings and configuration items


Squirro supports two different types of deployments - cloud and on-premise. Updating installations in the cloud is done by the Squirro staff, based on individual agreements with the customer. For on-premise deployments, the upgrade process is driven by the customer directly.

See Release Notes for details about individual releases or reach out to Squirro Support about scheduled upcoming release dates.

Supported Platforms#

Squirro supports the following two standardized platforms.






A separate cloud is generally set up for each customer, to isolate the different installations. Squirro generally works with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Hetzner for cloud deployments. However, other cloud services are supported on demand.


Red Hat, see System Requirements for details.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

License provided by the customer. Red Hat Enterprise Linux support for the standard operating system components.


For information on configuring Squirro, including the Configuration Service, all configuration files, security and encryption, SSL certificates, default language settings, and email templates, see Configuration.


To learn more about administrative operations, including accessing servers, managing Elasticsearch, cluster status, scaling Squirro, business continuity planning (BCP), monitoring, and fixing MySQL/MariaDB replication issues, see Operations.

External Authentication and Authorization#

Squirro allows you to work with external authentication, authorization, and single sign-on (SSO) providers. For more information, see External Authentication.

Administrative Troubleshooting#

For help with common administrative issues, including how to investigate performance issues, see Troubleshooting.