Items Widget#

The Items widget provides the standard way of presenting result sets on Squirro dashboards.

It is the successor to the Result List and Cards widgets and should be used in their place on new projects.


The Items widget is capable of displaying different data:

  • All items: shows items matching the dashboard and widget query.

  • Starred items: shows all the user’s starred items.

  • Last read items: shows the user’s last read items.


There are four main visualization modes available. Their exact display can be configured using additional options, such as Labels Display or Widget Options.

Vertical Cards#


The Vertical Cards mode shows items as separate cards shown below each other. This usually looks best when the Disable Card Styling option is used, so that the widget itself is not also styled as a card.

Horizontal Cards#


The Horizontal Cards mode shows items as separate cards next to each other. This usually looks best when the Disable Card Styling option is used, so that the widget itself is not also styled as a card.

Vertical List#


The Vertical List mode shows the items closer together than the Cards modes do.

Horizontal List#

The Horizontal List mode shows the items closer together than the Cards modes do. It offers a scroll feature using two arrow buttons on both sides.
