3.10.4 - Release Notes#

Squirro 3.10.4 was released June 20, 2024.

Learn more about the Squirro Release Process.

What’s New#

  • Upgraded the platform to Python 3.11. All Python-based microservices now run on Python 3.11, and all Squirro-related Python dependencies are located in the /opt/squirro/virtualenv311/ virtual environment (can be activated using squirro_activate as before). Please note that Python 3.11 support applies to RHEL 8 (and derivatives) deployments.

  • Added support for agent-driven LLM endpoints.

  • Added a Redo OCR configuration option to the PDF OCR pipeline step.


  • Changed the default value for boosting popular items from the top 100 to the top 30.

  • Enabled lazy loading for “Show all labels” mode for LabelsWidget.

  • Added an option to hide empty placeholder images in non-grid modes for ItemWidget.

  • Upgraded many Python dependencies to newer or the latest versions.

  • Limited the Crawler plugin to load 1,000 pages from a website to prevent overloading while indexing large sites. This limit can be adjusted in the data source configuration.

  • Added a new response_format option to the API for running ML workflows. This option allows changing the response format. Supported formats include standard (current format with values wrapped in a list) and plain (response without wrapping).

Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed an issue where older strategies were not being parsed by our Pydantic models.

  • Added the ability to handle missing abstract fields when querying items to generate starter questions.

  • Correctly cast the distinct-sub-items flag as a boolean in the reindex script.

  • Fixed an issue where numbers were being removed when tokenizing a query, e.g., 401k became k.

  • Fixed mapping for custom summaries in PDFs.

  • Added custom date formatting inside item details.

  • Return an error status when the PDF OCR pipeline step raises an exception.

  • Fixed a 404 error in reference screen inline search when dashboard filters and similar items are mutually exclusive.

  • Renamed the dashboards.communityWizard column to dashboards.community_wizard to support PostgreSQL.

Breaking Changes#

  • As part of the Python 3.11 upgrade , the autogluon packages were upgraded from v0.7.0 to v1.1.0 because support for Python 3.11 was added in v1.0.0 of the library. AutoGluon does not support loading models trained on older versions of the library. Therefore, re-training any AI Studio models that were trained with AutoGluon is necessary to use those models again.

  • Removed the cache_document and document_cache_expiration configurations from the NLP steps; they no longer have any effect.

  • Changed the response shape of the /parse endpoint so that it no longer wraps values in a list. This affects the usage of Query Contexts in dashboard queries. A migration script is provided to update the most common pattern used in Hybrid Search dashboards (queryContext?.parse?.type?.length > 0 && queryContext?.parse?.type[0]) to the new format (queryContext?.parse?.type). Other uses of the Query Context in dashboard/widget queries must be manually migrated.

Installation and Upgrade#

For new installations, find step-by-step instructions in Install and Manage Squirro with Ansible (recommended) or Installing Squirro on Linux.

To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrading Squirro.