JavaScript SDK#

Squirro’s JavaScript SDK allows you to integrate Squirro into any web-enabled framework. It works particularly well with modern development libraries like React.js.

With it, you can embed Squirro into dashboards both in desktop and mobile environments.


  • A Squirro instance to serve the dashboards and data.

  • A framework-agnostic JavaScript application.

How It Works#

The SDK exposes a jQuery extension, which can be used to load dashboards. Sample usage basically falls down to calling the jQuery method, passing options containing the Squirro instance URL, the project and dashboard ids, and authentication. The last is done either via Squirro token, or over SSO.

Note: Additional setup is required to set up the SSO component.

import 'squirro-sdk.en.js'
import 'squirro-sdk-styles.en.js'


// $domElement is a jQuery element
    server: '',
    project_id: '',
    dashboard_id: '',
    tenant: '', // Required if non-SSO authentication
    userId: '', // Required if non-SSO authentication
    token: '',  // Required if non-SSO authentication



The Squirro SDK comes bundled with jQuery, which can potentially cause conflicts if a much different version of jQuery is used already in the embedding environment.

However, such conflicts are rare. If you require conditional loading of jQuery, contact Squirro Support <https://go.squirro/com/support> for help.


Squirro requires Highcharts to be loaded separately if Highcharts-based widgets are to be functional.

The Highcharts package is easily obtainable via many public repositories or can also be loaded locally.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Fonts and Icons#

Squirro requires Google’s Material Icons set to be loaded, as well as the Roboto font.

Both are easily obtainable via many public repositories or can also be loaded locally.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


Squirro SDK is available on npm package manager, under @squirro/sdk



Squirro SDK integrates well into the React framework. On top of being available on npm, which is what React uses as well, it plays well with the React component state, and integrating jQuery extensions into React is a well-known and tested technique.

Consider the example below for a sample of the bidirectional communication achievable with this close form of integration:

/*global $*/
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import 'squirro-sdk.en.js'
import 'squirro-sdk-styles.en.js'

class App extends Component {
      constructor(props) {

         this.state = {
            squirroSearch: {},
            squirroStore: {},

      componentDidMount() {

      _reloadSquirro() {
         this._initSquirro().then(() => {

      _initSquirro() {
         return $(this.el).squirro({
            server: '',
            project_id: '',
            dashboard_id: '',
            tenant: '',
            userId: '',
            token: '',

      _logout() {
         $(this.el).squirro('destroy').then(() => {
            console.log('Squirro destroyed');

      _attachEvents() {
         const search = this._getSquirroSearch();
         search.on('change:query change:time', () => this.setState({ squirroSearch: search.toJSON() }));

         const store = this._getSquirroDashboard().store;
         store.on('change', () => this.setState({ squirroStore: store.toJSON() }));

      _select(section) {
         const search = this._getSquirroSearch();
         search.removeFacet('Section', 'World');
         search.removeFacet('Section', 'Sports');
         search.addFacet('Section', section);

      _getSquirroSearch() {
         return $(this.el).squirro('get_search');

      _getSquirroDashboard() {
         return $(this.el).squirro('get_dashboard');

      render() {
         return (
            <div className="App squirro-body">
                  <h3 className="App-header">
                     Squirro React SPA Integration
                  <div className="Left-panel">
                     <h3>React Panel</h3>
                        <li>Squirro Query: {this.state.squirroSearch.query}</li>
                        <li>Created Before: {this.state.squirroSearch.created_before}</li>
                        <li>Created After: {this.state.squirroSearch.created_after}</li>
                        <li>Squirro Store: {JSON.stringify(this.state.squirroStore)}</li>
                        <li onClick={this._select.bind(this, 'World')}>World</li>
                        <li onClick={this._select.bind(this, 'Sports')}>Sports</li>
                        <li onClick={this._reloadSquirro.bind(this)}>Reload Squirro</li>
                        <li onClick={this._logout.bind(this)}>Logout</li>
                  <div className="Squirro-main" ref={el => this.el = el}/>
                  <h3 className="App-header">
                     Squirro React SPA Integration

export default App;