AutoMLClassifier (config)
The AutoML Classifier uses the autogluon tabular library for AutoML |
BERTSentiment (config)
The BERT Sentiment Classifier detects the sentiments of a text fragment using transformer bases pre-trained models. |
Classifier (config)
Classifier steps attempt to guess a specified label_field given an input_field or input_fields.
CosineSimilarityClassifier (config)
The cosine similarity Classifier uses the cosine similarity to decide which text fragment is closest to which class. |
FastTextClassifier (config)
The fastText Classifier uses the fastText library for text embedding and classification provided by Facebook's AI Research lab. |
KFoldValidation (config)
The k-fold validation Classifier wrapper executes the specified Classifier into the k-fold validation principle. |
SklearnClassifier (config)
The sklearn Classifier is a generic scikit-learn classifier. |
SmartfilterClassifier (config)
The smartfilter Classifier uses the Elastic Search based highlight tags <squirro:highlight> and </squirro:highlight> to classify text fragments. |
VaderSentiment (config)
The Vader Sentiment Classifier applies rule based sentiment analysis (positive, neutral, negative) on a string. |