Search Bar Chips#
Profiles: Search User
When you submit a search query within Squirro global search, you’ll notice your search query is broken into chips within the search bar.
This page explains the feature, which is available by default to all Squirro users and which can be disabled by project creators if desired.
Chips create visual representations of individual parts of the search query after submission.
They are particularly useful when complex query syntax is used, as they allow users to easily modify or remove individual parts of the search query, without having to delete the entire query and start again.
In the following examples, boolean operators are used to search food allergy or allergen-related content that excludes peanuts or nuts from the search results.
Reference: To learn more about query syntax, see Query Syntax.
In the example image below, the query is ready to be submitted and no chips are visible:

After submitting the search query, the query is broken into chips, as shown in the example below:

Chips are automatically generated from your search query when submitted, including the following:
When a search query contains a boolean operator, such as
, orNOT
, a chip is created for each term on either side of the operator.Concept searches are broken into chips for each concept.
Reference: To learn more about concept search, see Concept Search.
Lengthy queries are broken into lines and stacked vertically in the search bar. If long enough, a scroll bar appears, as shown in the example image below:

You can expand and collapse the search bar by clicking the arrow icon in the bottom right of the search bar.
How to Use Chips#
Chips are automatically generated from your search query when submitted.
Once your query has been converted to chips, you’ll have the following options:
Using the
arrow keys to move between chips (which shows an active state with a dark background).Facet chips can be removed by clicking the delete icon when hovering over the chip.
Term chips, such as
, andnuts
in the above example images, are directly editable by clicking the term and typing the new term.Clicking between term chips or a term and boolean operator chip will insert a new term chip you can edit by beginning to type.