Favorite Filters#
A favorite allows you to save searches or queries for easy access and navigation. It creates a dynamic list of results that is updated every time the favorite is selected, taking into account new and updated data sources, as well as new items. Here are some of the key benefits:
Frequent searches - Store queries you regularly run with specific keywords or phrases, allowing you to quickly access the results without re-entering the search terms.
Complex queries - Ability to save queries you spend time crafting using advanced syntax requiring multiple filters or parameters.
Recurring alerts - Set up an email alert so you are notified on a recurring schedule when new results enter the knowledge base.

Create a favorite by entering some phrases or keywords in the search bar and running the query. Fine-tune the search by adjusting the syntax to improve the results list, see Query Syntax for more information. Once satisfied with the results, save the query using the Add to favorites icon. That functionality is available by default for Global Search but is turned off by default for the Search Bar widget.
Access the favorites manager using the pencil icon from the Favorite Filters widget. The list of favorites allows you to edit the display name and its associated query using the pencil icon or remove an entry using the bin icon. You can also decide to activate or deactivate email alerts based on the query.
To activate a favorite query, select one from the Favorite Filters widget.