Published Models#
Profiles: Model Creator, Data Scientist
As a model creator or data scientist, the final step in AI Studio is to publish and deploy your model.
This page explains the publish functionality within AI Studio.
After publishing, your model is made available to the enrich pipeline library.
The Published Models tab has three primary screens:
Published Models Overview: Overview of all published and unpublished models of a project.
Publish Model: Publish a model to the Squirro Pipeline.
Deploy Model: Select the pipeline workflow to deploy a model to. This is only available for models that have been published to the Squirro Pipeline.
Published Models Overview#
All published and unpublished models of a project are listed in the Published Models screen, as shown in the screenshot below:

Publish Model#
Clicking the Publish Model button will launch a modal window to configure the publish settings, as shown in the example screenshot below:

To publish a model, several settings must be configured:
Publish Model Name: Name the model should appear as in the Pipeline Library.
Description: Description of the published model.
Show labeled examples… Option to display ground truth examples on which the model was trained in the Pipeline Library.
Show validation data… Option to display the validation metrics of the model in the Pipeline Library.
Deploy Model#
You can deploy a model to a pipeline workflow by clicking the Deploy Model icon next to the three-dot menu.
This will launch a modal window to select the pipeline workflow deployment settings, as shown in the example screenshot below: