

The /etc/sysconfig directory is a common location for configuration files in Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Squirro supports configuration files in this directory, which can be used to set environment variables for the Squirro services.

Two levels of configuration files are supported:

  • /etc/sysconfig/squirro: This file is loaded by all Squirro services.

  • /etc/sysconfig/squirro_venv_<service_name>: These files are loaded by specific Squirro services. The <service_name> part of the filename should be replaced with the name of the service, e.g., sqingesterd.


This configuration file is loaded by all Squirro services. Below is a list of environment variables recognized by the services:

  • TMPDIR: Defines an alternative directory to /tmp for temporary directories and files created by the Squirro services.

    Important: Ensure that the permissions of this directory are drwxrwxrwt. (like those of /tmp). If the correct permissions are not set, Squirro system users will not be able to read/write in this directory, and they will silently fall back to using /tmp.

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH: Specifies a list of directories where shared libraries (.so files) are searched for at runtime. This is commonly used to override system library paths or include additional library locations.

    Note: Usually, you do not need to modify this variable, as it is configured by Squirro directly.

  • MYSQL_UNIX_PORT: Defines the Unix socket file for the MariaDB connector. When the MariaDB server runs on the same machine as the Squirro services, the default database connection URLs use localhost, which connects via the Unix socket file. In this case, it is important that the socket file is located outside of /tmp or any other directory that may be regularly cleaned up. The default value set by Squirro is /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock which is sufficient for most installations.

  • SQ_ENCRYPTION_KEY, SQ_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE, SQ_DECRYPT_COMMAND, SQ_ENCRYPT_COMMAND: Environment variables used to configure the encryption of sensitive information stored in Squirro’s .ini configuration files. For more information, see Securing Configuration Files.