Squirro Profiles#

A successful Insight Engine project requires close collaboration from different user profiles.

At the center of every Squirro project is the Project Creator. They work closely with End Users to understand project needs and collaborate with Model Creators and Data Scientists to train required machine learning models.

Python Engineers and Frontend Developers can assist the Project Creator to extend Squirro products and their functionalities by creating custom plugins and dashboard widgets.

Finally, the System Administrator ensures that the Squirro platform is deployed correctly and runs smoothly.

Important: One person can perform multiple roles within a project. These profiles are presented as general guides only.

These profiles are:

  • System Administrator/DevOps Engineer: usually skilled in working with Linux. They set up, maintain, operate, and scale the Squirro servers.

  • Project Creator: the primary creator of the user experience for end users. Usually a technical consultant or similar.

  • Data Scientist: software engineers who focus on creating machine learning models and work with Natural Language Processing (NLP). They can extend Squirro’s capabilities by adding new models.

  • Model Creator: a non-technical subject-matter expert or a Citizen Data Scientist who uses Squirro’s no-code AI capabilities to train machine learning models.

  • Search Engineer: a technical subject-matter expert who customizes the search experience for end users.

  • Python Engineer: software engineers skilled in the Python programming language. They can extend Squirro’s back-end capabilities with various extension points.

  • Frontend Developer: software engineers specialized in JavaScript and adjacent technologies. They can extend Squirro’s front-end capabilities, especially by extending the dashboards.

  • Cognitive Search User: cognitive search end users. They use the platform on a day-to-day basis and can provide feedback on what’s working, what isn’t, and what might be worth trying.