Project Configuration#

Project configuration allows you to specify settings within a project.

Between different environments, some of the settings will change. For example, you may need to connect to different databases in each environment.

Project configuration enables you to separate these configurations from the rest of the project.

Note: Project configuration is part of the Configuration Service. See Configuration Service for further details.

How To Modify Project Configuration#

To modify the project configuration of a Squirro project, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your Squirro project in your browser.

  2. Navigate to the Setup space using the Spaces Navigation menu in the top-right of the page.

  3. Click the Settings tab.

  4. Click Project Configuration from the left sidebar menu.

At this stage, you are presented with a list of all built-in and (if set up) custom project configuration settings, as shown in the example screenshot below:


Use the plus icon (top right) to add new configuration keys.

Then fill the form with a configuration name, which is later used to refer to this value, a data type and a value.

Example: See below:


This example provides a new configuration value . The value is retrieved specifying the key connectors.confluence.hostname, for example, in a data connector to connect to the Atlassian instance.

A configuration name must follow specific rules as described below the field in the UI or in the Configuration Service’s Naming Keys.

Note the following:

  • All settings are editable.

  • Custom settings can also be deleted.

  • It is not possible to delete built-in settings, though you can reset them to their default value.



Project configuration can be used in two ways. You can either:

  • Edit built-in settings, or

  • Apply configuration interpolation.

Editing Built-In Settings#

You can edit built-in project configurations to modify the behavior of features implemented on the Squirro platform, e.g., how popular queries work.

Using Configuration Interpolation#

The project configuration implements the configuration interpolation feature. It allows injecting the configured values in the UI Data Loader, pipelet and KEE configurations.

The syntax to access configuration values is: ${key}.

Reference: See Configuration Interpolation for more details.


Example Data Loader#

When creating a new source using a data loader plugin, inject the configuration value instead of passing a hard-coded value.


Example Pipelet#

The interpolation can also be used when setting up a pipelet. Inject the configured values in the pipelet configuration:


Example Known Entity Extraction#

Project configuration values can be injected when setting up the Known Entity Extraction. In this case, inject the value in the JSON config file.


Import / Export#

Project configuration can be imported or exported using the Import/Export Project functionality.

Reference: See Project Export & Import for further details.