3.9.5 Release Notes#

Squirro 3.9.5 was released on January 30, 2024.

Reference: Learn more about the Squirro Release Process.

What’s New#

  • SquirroGPT now automatically detects the language of the user input and will respond in the same language. However, if a specific language is specified in the configuration settings, this automatic detection feature will remain inactive.

  • Added a filter query to the GenAI studio plugin, which allows changing the scope of SquirroGPT. This allows you to narrow the set of documents available for retrieval.

  • Added typeahead search and a lazy loading option to the Labels widget.


  • The squirro_status command line interface (CLI) utility now provides information on the GenAI service’s health status as well.

  • Fixed the PDF loading indicator and improved the PDF toolbar.

  • Added log rotation to the machinelearning job logs and to the dataloader Crawler logs. Logs for the datasource job logs, the machinelearning job logs and the dataloader Crawler that have not been accessed for 30 days will be automatically removed.

  • Upgraded sqlalchemy to version 1.4.51.

  • Reworked the grid carousel click handlers.

  • AmazonS3Container.download_all is now able to download files from a bucket with explicitly created folders (e.g. folders created from the AWS Management Console). Also, this supports filtering which objects to download from the bucket based upon prefix.

  • Added support for multiple uvicorn workers for the machinelearning service

  • Added onTabClick to the Tabs widget overrides.

  • Removed search overhead when doing paragraph / semantic search. This includes removal of the has_child clause (only necessary when doing document-centric PDF search) and search on paragraph index (instead of all project indices).

  • Exposed the response of elastic search-profiler to query API if profile is enabled in the search settings topic.search.search-settings. This allows for detailed insights into performance bottlenecks of the elasticsearch query.

  • A new typeahead implementation facet_value_lenient can be used to find facet-value matches (leveraged by Labels Widget’s searchbar). This typeahead strategy matches relevant (visible & analyzed) facets. It’s more lenient than the default facet_value as it ignores the order of the matched terms, and matches all search-strings as prefixes. For example, this means that state un amer will match <b>un</b>ited <b>state</b>s of <b>amer</b>ica.

  • Changed the default search settings to decrease semantic search latency and less strict keyword search (decreased minimum_should_match for term sequences).

Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed an issue where query processing was also run for semantic search.

  • Fixed an issue with entities not highlighting on the last PDF page.

  • Fixed an issue with the nav bar shadow display.

Breaking Changes#

  • The topic.nlp.remote-services-enabled key in the configuration service has been removed. Query Processing has now a smarter way to detect if the remote service is available.

Known Issues#

  • Query Processing stopped working properly if the remote spacy service is not set up. If you don’t have the remote spacy service in place, go to the server configuration, remove the spacy.* entry from the topic.nlp.remote-services-connection configuration and restart the machinelearning service.

Installation and Upgrade#

For new installations, find step-by-step instructions in Install and Manage Squirro with Ansible (recommended) or Installing Squirro on Linux.

To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrading Squirro.