3.9.0 Release Notes#

Squirro 3.9.0 was released October 31, 2023.

Reference: Learn more about the Squirro Release Process.

What’s New#

  • Added .eml and .msg as supported searchable file types. To learn more, see Searchable File Types.

  • Deleting a SquirroGPT project and its data sources will now delete the related embeddings.

  • Introduced the backend preparation for a new SquirroGPT Summarization feature, which takes a body of text and asks an LLM to summarize its contents. Optionally, we can provide an anchor question/statement or the maximum number of words. Note that this feature is not yet available on the frontend for use.

  • Introduced the beta feature Multi Query API, which enables users to perform multiple searches in parallel and combine the results using a specified rank method.

  • Increased the timeout of the filtering service to 60 minutes, reducing the risk of filtering service timeouts if the ingestion pipeline uses the Search Tagging and Alerting pipelet.

Bug Fixes#

  • Removed the m.overcommit_memory = 1 entry from /etc/sysctl.conf when removing the redis-server package.

  • Now, Squirro properly handles old session cookies after enabling the expiring sessions mode (security.expiring-sessions). Previously, sessions created before this flag was enabled would fail and block access to Squirro.

  • Various dataloading fixes to be able to properly load and convert file types.

  • Corrected the MIME type of the XLSM extension for the filesystem (Documents) dataloader plugin.

  • Fixed an issue with the Proximity Template not showing for sentence-level ground truths after new AI Studio frontend updates.

  • Fixed an issue with parameters not being passed properly to the Proximity Template when the number of labels was greater than two in AI Studio.

Breaking Changes#

There are no known breaking changes with Squirro 3.9.0.

Reference: See Breaking Changes for breaking changes from the most recent 3.8.6 LTS release.

Installation and Upgrade#

For new installations, find step-by-step instructions in Install and Manage Squirro with Ansible (recommended) or Installing Squirro on Linux.

To upgrade an existing installation, see Upgrading Squirro.