Query Syntax#

Profiles: Project Creator, Search User

You can use query syntax within Squirro search bars to return better, more refined search results.

This page details the query syntax techniques available within Squirro.

Project creators can configure query syntax options. Search users can use the techniques outlined in this page to improve search accuracy.

Download the Advanced Query Syntax Cheat Sheet PDF for a handy reference.


Per default, the title and body fields are taken into account when searching.

Sequences of query terms are combined using the OR operator, although the project’s configured minimum-should-match strategy also applies.

Dynamically tagged text labels can also be configured to be searchable.

Reference: For details, see How To Use Best-Bets Labels to Map Query Terms.

Boolean Operators#

Use AND, OR, NOT, + (plus sign) or - (minus sign) to explicitly combine terms. Be aware that the operators need to be in all capital letters.

The following restrictions apply:

  • The + or required operator requires that the term after the + symbol exists somewhere.

  • The - or prohibit operator excludes documents that contain the term after the - symbol.

Example Boolean Queries#



squirro AND memonic

Search documents that contain squirro and memonic.

squirro OR memonic

Search documents that contain either squirro or memonic.

+memonic -squirro

Search documents that contain memonic but do not contain squirro.

squirro NOT memonic

Search documents that contain squirro but do not contain memonic.


Use round brackets / parentheses for grouping.

Example Grouping Queries#

Term-Level Boosting#


This feature only boosts individual terms or facets, to boost the full query clause see Boosting Queries By Optional Ranking Signals.

Individual elements of a query can be prioritized by boosting them. Note that sorting needs to be by relevance to notice the changed relevance scores.

Example Boosted Queries#



France^10 Europe

Search for France and Europe, but boost matches of “France”.

France OR Country:France^10

Search for France in full text, as well as the “Country” label and boost items that have the value defined in the country label.

France^0.1 Europe

Search for France and Europe, but de-prioritize matches of “France” (the default boost is 1.0).


You can use the following query syntax to sort the result:


Where <field_name> is either date (default) or relevance or any item field name you want to sort by and <order> is either asc for ascending or desc for descending. The order suffix is optional, the default order is descending.2

Additionally, you can add a second (or third etc) sorting criteria by adding


to the query syntax.

2 Note: The square brackets above mean that those fields are optional. Those brackets are not part of the syntax.

Example Sorting Queries#




Sort by date (descending order by default)


Sort by date in ascending order


Sort by relevance in descending order


Sort by “my_sortable_facet” in descending order; additionally add a second sorting by descending date

(Moon landing) sort:date

Sort query by date (default order is descending)

Multiple Sorting Criteria#

Squirro supports multiple sorting criteria, meaning that when multiple items match a criteria (e.g. the exact date), the next sorting criteria is then applied to those items.

In terms of syntax, the sorting criteria are applied in the order defined in the query. The first sorting criterion is the primary one; the second sorting criterion is the secondary one, and so on.

For example, if you use the syntax sort:date:desc sort:$title:asc, Squirro will first sort results by date in descending order, and then sort by title in ascending (alphabetical A-Z) order.

Time Increment#

It is possible to control the time increments shown in the main timeline and in the dashboard widgets. To do so, add time_increment:<value> to a query.

Here is the Bugzilla Project without a time_increment set:


The same query, with time_increment:year


Possible values are:


This can also be combined with values for more flexibility. For example:


There is a performance impact when using a time increment that results in many individual increments. This impact is both in the user interface, where each increment needs to be drawn, as well as on the Elasticsearch level, where they need to be calculated. So use the time_increment setting carefully.

Starred and Read Items#

Starred items are items marked as favorite / bookmarked items.

Note: You need to enable flags for your project(s) before you can query for starred and read items. To do so, set the enable_flags_for_project_ids property in topic.ini. For more details, see topic.ini.

Query syntax for (un)starred items and (un)read items:


Scoring Profiles and Queries#

Accessing Scoring Profiles#

Scoring profiles use document metadata as additional filtering criteria to return the most relevant documents (according to the scoring profile).

Reference: For an introduction to scoring profiles see How to Use Scoring Profiles to Customize Document Relevancy Scoring.

Those profiles can be directly used in the query syntax using the profile:{} literal.

Scoring profiles can either reference a configured profile from the project configuration by name or leverage a plugin without any project configuration required.

Out-of-the-Box Plugins#

Plugins shipped out of the box by Squirro include the following:

  • last_read: boosts a user’s recently read items. The more recent the item was read, the higher the score.

  • popular_item: boosts popular items. The more popular the item within a project, the higher the score.

  • concept: runs concept search from within the search bar.

  • recommend_on_searches: recommend items based on users’ search histories.

  • subscribed_communities: add community filter queries for a user’s subscribed communities.

  • recency_boost: make recent documents more relevant.

Example: For more information about these plugins, see relevancy-scoring-plugins.

Example Queries#

The examples below show how different scoring profiles can be referenced in the search bar:

Filter by Last Read Items#
# Filter on last read user items with default settings
profile:{ last_read }

# Filter on last 5 read user items
profile:{ last_read count:5 }
Date Time recency Boosting#
# Boost documents by their item_creation date (default date field ranking)
profile:{ recency_boost }

# Boost documents by a custom date_time label, for example `last_updated`
profile:{ recency_boost date_field:last_updated }
Combinations of profiles#
# Search for specific documents within users search history, and boost resulting items by their date recency
elasticsearch tutorial profile:{ last_read count:1000 } profile:{ recency_boost }

# Run concept search on a given text with additional boosting of recently trendy items
profile:{ concept text:"covid outbreak" } profile:{ popular_item last_months:1 }

# Filter documents that belong to user's subscribed communities, and boost the resulting items by their date recency
profile:{ subscribed_communities } profile:{ recency_boost }--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Boosting Queries By Optional Ranking Signals#


This feature only works if sort by relevancy is applied (sort:relevance)

In addition to ranking by profile, it is also possible to augment scoring by incorporating extra query clauses using the rank_by:{} and scale_by:{} literals.

These query clauses do not have to match a document for the document ot be retrieved, but matching documents receive a boost to their relevance score.

rank_by:{} clauses can be used to incorporate queries which will contribute to the total query score an additional score equal to the score of the wrapped query for each document (additive contribution).

scale_by:{} clauses can be used to incorporate queries which, when matched, will cause the final score of a scored document to be the overall query score multiplied by a factor defined by the magnitude assigned to this specific clause.

Note that these score boosting clauses, even when nested inside grouped clauses under some boolean structure, will instead still apply on the whole query. Thus `` (wifi rank_by:{source:official}) OR (login rank_by:{source:unofficial}) `` will yield results that match the terms wifi or login and will augment the score of documents that are tagged as official or unofficial in the source field.

Example Queries#



cheese rank_by:{ Country:France^10 }

Search for the term cheese but boost items that additionally are tagged with Country:France. The final score per document is the score for the term cheese added to the score for the country tag (which is multiplied by 10 before being added). Items that don’t match France are still returned.

wifi login rank_by:{ source:official^5 OR is_faq:True^10}

Search for the term sequence wifi login with most important relevancy signal beeing is_faq and the second signal being items coming from the official named datasource.

rank_by:{ entity:{"properties.Sentiment":"negative"} } rank_by:{ source:official^5 OR is_faq:True^10}

Boost items that are tagged on sentence level with a classification output (entities), in this case negative sentiment.

arbitrage scale_by:{ $item_created_at>="2023-01-01" }^2

Search for the term arbitrage and boost the score of documents that are created after 2023 by a factor of 2

It’s also possible to use scoring profiles within the rank_by clause to enable use-case-specific ranking, for example on the dashboard or widget level.



rank_by:{ profile:{plugin:last_read $last_days:7} }

Match all available items in the project, but boost the user’s recently-read items according to read time. The more recent, the more relevant.

Cheat Sheet#

Download the Advanced Query Syntax Cheat Sheet PDF shown in the image below for a handy reference guide.

Image of the Advanced Query Syntax Cheat Sheet