Squirro 3.6.8 LTS - Cognitive Search Improvements#


With the Squirro 3.6.8 LTS Release Notes release, the Squirro Cognitive Search Template received significant improvements.

See the screenshots below for a few impressions of the new design and functionality.


These screenshots and descriptions introduce some of the Cognitive Search Template’s new features.

Homepage with Varied Information#

Last Read Documents is the latest addition to the content displayed on the Overview tab of the For You dashboard. The document cards now display the time when an item was opened instead of its creation date. The order of display from top to bottom is Community Documents > Saved Documents > Last Read Documents > Favorite Filters.

To deep-dive into a single type of content, the various View All links on the Overview tab provide an easy access to the respective tabs on the left.


Explore Dashboard with a New Filter Panel#

In order to extensively explore the project data, various types of filters like Labels, Entities and Communities are put together as accordion buttons where each section can be expanded or collapsed simultaneously.

This provides a better categorization of filters and utilization of space by having one dedicated dashboard section for listing, applying, and removing the filters. All applied filters are listed inside the first accordion button called Filters.


Communities Dashboard#

Community Dashboard lists the Following tab as the first tab to give an overview of user’s community preferences.


Community 360° Dashboard and Navigation#

The Community 360 Dashboard creates a single destination for a community detail view regardless of the path taken. Today, one can reach here by clicking on any Community List or Community Items widget in the project.

In a similar fashion to the For You dashboard, it shows information categorised under different tabs with Overview tab listing a variety of information. View All button allows users to navigate to a specific tab.The tabbed content are a mix of items and communities that match the active community.


Global Search Bar and Search Result (Explore) Dashboard#

On enabling the new dashboard configuration property called Search in page, the search is limited to the active dashboard. In the new app template, this option is enabled on the Communities and Community 360° dashboards. Choosing the option to Search in entire project or searching from For You or Explore dashboard, uses the Explore dashboard to display the search results.


Scroll Improvement#

On For You and Explore dashboards where we use three column layouts, scrolling the content will not scroll the navigation tabs or filter panel out of the view.

Empty Screen Improvement#

When there is no content to show for various widgets across the app, an empty screen illustration is displayed along with a helper text to guide the user in related configuration.