
class FuzzyTermMatcher#

fuzzy_match | Perform fuzzy term matching on the selected fields.

pydantic model PluginConfig#
  • fields (str)

  • fuzziness (int | str)

  • fuzzy_max_expansions (int)

  • fuzzy_prefix_length (int | None)

  • in_order (bool)

  • slop (int)

  • text (str | None)

PluginConfig.plugin_name: ClassVar[str] = 'fuzzy_match'#

Used to register and reference the plugin within a query.

field PluginConfig.text: Optional[str] = ''#

Text to be used for fuzzy search

field PluginConfig.fuzzy_prefix_length: Optional[int] = 2#

First N characters that are not used for fuzzy string-edit distance based term matching.

field PluginConfig.fuzziness: Union[int, str] = 'auto'#

Fuzziness in edit-distance, how many characters per term are allowed to be changed. auto, or number of characters.

field PluginConfig.fuzzy_max_expansions: int = 10#

Maximum number of terms to which the query expands for fuzzy matching.

field PluginConfig.fields: str = 'body'#

Comma separated list of searchable fields

field PluginConfig.in_order: bool = False#

In case of the input text resulting consisting of multiple terms, whether these terms will be required to be found in order

field PluginConfig.slop: int = 0#

In case of using in_order fuzzy search, whether other terms are allowed between search terms - and how many.